Outdoor Canada
“The flight into Fortress Lake is the kind of exhilarating experience that IMAX movies try to replicate”
Canadian Fly Fisher Magazine
“This is a fishery which offers perhaps the finest brook trout fishing in North America, challenging the legendary waters of Labrador and Ungava. Anglers can cast to pods of cruising trout or single out larger specimens. Crystal clear waters, perfect for sight fishing.”
Outdoor Canada Magazine
“Who would have believed that there is a lake hidden high in the Rockies that has some of the best Eastern Brook Trout fishing in all of Canada?”
Fly Fisherman Magazine
“Best in the west, bar none. The most spectacular setting for trophy brook trout.”
Northwest Fly Fishing Magazine
“Fortress Lake is one of the most memorable places I’ve visited in my angling travels, and I recommend it highly for anyone seeking the opportunity to catch a trophy – sized brook trout. If the gorgeous scenery doesn’t get into your blood, the brookies surely will!
Adventures North TV
“One of the rare, special places where the scenery, hiking, kayaking, and wildlife viewing rival the most spectacular fishing. This is the most picturesque brook trout fishery anywhere.”